Posts in NOI
How Can You Create A More Welcoming Nashville Office Space For 2022?

The workspace is constantly evolving based on the world around us, which has certainly been true over the past two years. As we move into 2022, workers are returning to the office, but it’s not just business-as-usual; we have an unprecedented opportunity to make things in our workspaces better than ever!

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What Are Some Office Designs That Stimulate Flexibility This Holiday Season?

The holiday season brings many different challenges, whether it's in our personal lives or our businesses. When it comes to your Knoxville office, end-of-year organization and planning for the new year will require different configurations of people and their tools. A flexible design for your Knoxville office space will help your operation handle any of the demands you may face at any given time.

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What Are Some Ways To Create a Bright, Warm Chattanooga Office This Fall?

As autumn surrounds us, the days can get a little gloomy. Less sunlight, fog and mist, rain, and possible snow - all these conditions can make for darker office interiors. Here are some ideas to brighten up your Chattanooga office!


Warmer interior color, comfortable temperatures, and appropriate lighting will always make the indoors feel more cozy and comfortable while enabling your workforce to ignore the cold, wet weather of the Fall and focus purely on their individual projects and pursuits.

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Enhancing Creativity In The Knoxville Workplace

Any wise business owner knows that creativity is one of the foundations of a strong and successful organization. After all, from the very inception of the business itself to its growth into an operating company, coming up with innovative and unique solutions to problems and challenges is the essence of the endeavor. Enhancing creativity in your workplace is one of the ways you can ensure that your business will remain healthy and vital in the market you serve. Your workplace environment is an integral part of fostering and encouraging the creative individuals that work for you.

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Outdoor Work Stations

Workspace creators, designers, and architects consistently draw on the riches of nature in their work, using the many-layered patterns, hues, and textures, and earthy materials to create spaces that are a pure joy to work in and around. The next, most obvious step is just to take your workspace outdoors!

No matter what is going on in the world, the porch, the deck, and the garden are always accessible - and thanks to technology, the modern worker is not restricted when choosing their preferred spot.

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NOI's COVID-19 Return To Work Response

As a part of the Nashville business community, we are excited about being able to serve our customers! We are also committed to the health and safety of all our neighbors, clients, and team members, so we will, of course, be following all of the Nashville Opening Guidelines, Phase 1-4, and will be implementing our own, as well.

Here are some of the things you can expect to see at our location and showroom going forward:

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