What Are Some Ways To Create a Bright, Warm Chattanooga Office This Fall?

As autumn surrounds us, the days can get a little gloomy. Less sunlight, fog and mist, rain, and possible snow - all these conditions can make for darker office interiors. Here are some ideas to brighten up your Chattanooga office!


Warmer interior color, comfortable temperatures, and appropriate lighting will always make the indoors feel more cozy and comfortable while enabling your workforce to ignore the cold, wet weather of the Fall and focus purely on their individual projects and pursuits. 

Some NOI lighting tips:

  • We recommend getting creative with functional and aesthetically pleasing lighting fixtures to create a bright and pleasant environment for those shorter - and darker - autumn and winter days. If your office is still using fluorescent lighting, let us help you find better options.

  • For computer work, paperwork, and other focus-intensive tasks, choose a well-defined light source dedicated to these types of projects.

  • According to many studies, natural light has a positive impact on health and a person’s sense of well-being, and your business will share in the benefits of a happy and healthy workforce. Expanding your available natural light will help your Chattanooga office to profit from any available sunshine year-round. Skylights and larger windows are a couple of ways to make this happen.

NOI recommendations for a warmer interior:

Using a warm color palette for your office furniture and accessories will help you create a cozy environment. You can choose to 

  • replace chairs and other seating, 

  • rethink desks and tables, and 

  • reconfigure your floor design to construct an intimate interior context that will make your office the place everyone wants to be.

  • You can shop for the best solutions for your Chattanooga office by researching design guides, such as Haworth or our website: Workspaces/NOI Chattanooga


There are many benefits associated with appropriate light and warmth in an office interior. Here are just a few:

  • A study conducted by the Department of Design and Environmental Analysis at Cornell showed that employees seated within 10 feet of a window reported an 84% decrease in eyestrain, headaches, and blurred vision symptoms. (Forbes Magazine online, Jan. 24, 2019)

  • A warm color palette is comforting and makes a nice change from the cooler colors we have traditionally seen in office spaces. Think of using cozy hues for communal areas or a relaxed meeting area in your office.

  • To protect employees from working in uncomfortable temperatures, OSHA recommends that employers keep the thermostat between 68 and 78 degrees.

Workspace means different things to different businesses; your workplace may be an intimate space for ten employees or a multi-floor corporation with hundreds of employees. We realize that your employees represent a significant percentage of your company’s overall investment and their workplace satisfaction is of the utmost importance to the success of your venture. Our NOI Chattanooga team can help you optimize your employees’ needs to enhance your workplace performance.