Creating Workplace Solutions For 2021

The modern office space is in a constant state of evolution as we learn more about ourselves and our environments, both interior and exterior. Once upon a time, cubicles were the only office workspace most employees were familiar with, and now they are almost completely non-existent. Trends are always changing, but one thing that never changes is how those trends affect the health and well-being of your workplace staff member. 

As you consider what your business looks like moving forward into the new year, you may be thinking about making some adjustments to your spaces, so today we are sharing some helpful concepts with you as you create workplace solutions for 2021:


Your employees will do their best work when they feel comfortable in their surroundings and if they are assured of a healthy environment. Providing ergonomic seating and sit/stand desks are two options that can provide a healthier workspace, and that will often translate into less time lost due to illnesses, physical challenges, or employees seeking a better environment with another company. The layout of your office can also be a powerful workplace solution: empowering your staff to think and collaborate naturally by creating an open floor plan or by providing quiet places for more focused work will do wonders when it comes to the happiness and productivity of your team.


Studies have shown that an employee seated near a window will experience a decrease in eyestrain and headaches. This is an important point to consider as you refresh your workspaces. A few ways you can improve your office lighting might be to add skylights, maximize natural lighting, or employ ambient and task lighting wherever possible. 


Your employees will do their best work when they are comfortable, so considering correct ergonomics while you upgrade your workplace will be a smart move. The use of ergonomically correct furniture and workstations will lessen muscle fatigue and the severity of musculoskeletal disorders; these are two of the most common causes of lost productivity and work time. Providing your team with work areas that allow them to alternate between sitting and standing is one way to create a workplace solution that will benefit everyone. 

Natural Surroundings

It is now known that people who work in spaces with natural features often experience a greater feeling of overall well-being than those who do not. Adding outdoor workstations or environments that include greenery or other natural elements will help your team to relax and de-stress, allowing them to better focus and troubleshoot when their projects are demanding or time-sensitive. 

The most up-to-date research is showing that the thoughtful design of any workspace will have a positive influence on the well-being, health, and performance of your staff, and NOI is here to help you choose from the many different styles, designs, and price points on the market today so that you can find the perfect workplace solutions for your organization in 2021.

Whether your business is large and nationwide or small and local, Nashville Office Interiors is your partner for dynamic work environments and wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling space innovations. Furnishings, panels, flooring, shelving, storage, reception stations, signage, and accessories — we work with you to specify and supply everything you need to create the ideal office interior design. Call us today!