Air Purification In Offices And Workspaces

We Americans typically spend a considerable amount of time indoors, while many of us are inside during our working hours. Unfortunately, indoor environments sometimes have pollutant levels that are even higher than those found outdoors, and that’s an issue we’re going to address today. 

Improving Air Quality In Your Knoxville Office/Workspace

While most of your air quality is going to be mainly affected by building management and their practices, there are still things you can do to improve your office air quality. The most obvious step to take is going to be to start using an air purifier. 

Here are some pointers to help you in choosing the best one:

  • That old adage is true: “You get what you pay for.” Choosing a high-quality air purifier will mean that it will last longer and work better.

  • Air purifiers that include a true HEPA filter can remove large particulate matter from the air, including dust and pet dander (for all those who work from home). 

  • Activated carbon filters may remove some volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air. These are produced by office furniture, carpeting, cleaning materials, and even paper supplies and often occur in greater concentrations in offices than in the typical home. However, they don’t efficiently trap particulate pollutants, and they also require frequent replacement. In an office, replacing the filters often could become a costly nuisance.

  • Air purifiers that use UV light, ozone, or ionization, to remove or destroy pollutants are ineffective. You can use UV light to purify, but commercial UV purifiers are simply far too small and weak to clean the volume of air necessary to make any kind of difference in an office setting. 

Alternative Air Purification Solutions For Your Knoxville Office

  • Take out garbage frequently and clean up spills immediately. 

  • Don’t block HVAC vents since air circulation is essential. (Of course, if a severe pollutant source needs to be taken care of, contact building management.)

  • Get a plant! NASA researchers looked into ways to improve air quality in space stations (which have no outside air circulation at all.) These researchers found that “Epipremnum aureum, also known as Devil’s Ivy, grown on an activated carbon filter system, reduced air pollutants to astonishingly low levels.” Healthy plants pull those VOCs out of the air and generate oxygen and improve your overall air quality.

Whether you work in a cubicle, a home workspace, or an open-plan office, you can now choose between a few air purification solutions. 

Here at NOI Knoxville, we are always ready to partner with you in creating a dynamic and innovative office environment. We work with you to specify and supply everything you need to make the ideal office design - from furnishings, panels, and flooring to shelving, storage, reception stations, and more.