3 Tips For An Invigorating, Functional Home Office

Many people have been working from home for several years or more, while many more have become remote workers recently, and this last scenario may be the case for the foreseeable future. Some companies have actually found that working remotely is a plus for their business and that it has had such a positive impact on productivity that they plan on continuing along this path going forward. 

With the remote work transition happening, remote employees are rethinking their home spaces to find creative ways to establish a functional home office. They may have been working on their couch or kitchen countertop - and even their car! - up until now, and that’s okay for a temporary work environment. But in the future, more permanent locations will be desirable. 

Here are 3 tips for an invigorating, functional home office:

How to Organize Your Home Office Space

Whether the home space is small or large, or whether the worker is lucky enough to already have a designated office, some rearranging will probably have to happen. Making room for a desk that suits the needs of the remote worker will take some forethought. The location of windows will need to be considered, since sunlight on a computer screen can make it impossible to see at certain times of the day and can also make it difficult to be seen during remote video meetings, for example. Will clients be coming to the home office? Will hard copies need to be stored on-site? These are important considerations. 

Furniture for Your Home Office

Next comes the selection of functional - and attractive - office furniture. The pieces that are chosen also need to be ergonomically designed for health and safety considerations. A standing desk could be a good choice and will take up less space, as well. If the office will do double-duty as a living space, then furniture that can be folded up or easily broken down and stored at the end of the day might be best. 

Aesthetics of Your Home Workspace

Everyone thinks about sustainability these days, so choosing office tools and furniture that were designed with this in mind will allow the remote worker to feel good about their workspace. Comfortable and pleasing aesthetics are vital to supporting the health and productivity of an employee. 

Here at Nashville Office Interiors, we are all about the innovative workspace. Get the inspiration, ideas, and products you need to create a home office space that works for you by visiting the Haworth online store today. You’ll discover a collection of best-selling ergonomic chairs, tables, and accessories—all designed with your comfort and well-being in mind.